
新闻来源: 广东省自行车电动车行业协会






SPANNINGA CHINA is a fully integrated and large facility of the manufacturing site of SPANNINGA in CHINA, who is with for instance in-house processes like electronics production, injection moulding and metal spray coating, to make it possible for us to industrialise large -scale projects and supply customers all over the world.

SPANNINGA CHINA思邦中国是SPANNINGA 在中国的制造基地, 拥有完全集成大型设施, 例如电子生产、注塑和金属喷镀等内部工艺, 使我们能够实现大型项目的工业化并向世界各地的客户供应产品。


SPANNINGA offers expertise in the development, manufacturing and shipping of lighting products and solutions via its 3 sites based in Europe and in Asia.

SPANNINGA 通过其位于欧洲和亚洲的 3 家工厂,提供照明产品和解决方案的开发、制造和运输方面的专业知识。

As a major source for innovation, R&D is a core branch for SPANNINGA. It constitutes 10% of our current staffs all over the world and is made of specialists in multiple fields.

作为创新的主要来源,研发部门是 SPANNINGA 的核心分支。它占我们目前全球员工的 10%,由多个领域的专业技术人员组成。

With production sites in Europe and in Asia, we are amongst the leaders of micromobility lighting in the world. We guarantee optimal product quality and safety, whilst respecting ISO-standards.

我们在欧洲和亚洲设有生产基地,是世界微型移动照明的领导者之一。我们保证最佳的产品质量和安全性,同时遵守ISO 标准。

Based in the Rhone-Alpes region, SPANNINGA France is proud to be able to produce “Made in France” items. Production flexibility combined with a multitude of knowledge acquired for decades allow supplying various requests, even small series.

总部位于罗纳-阿尔卑斯地区的 SPANNINGA France 以能够生产法国制造的产品而感到自豪。生产灵活性与数十年来积累的大量知识相结合,可以满足各种需求,甚至是小批量生产。

The highly efficient industrial equipment combined with extremely committed teams offer our customers support in the development and industrialisation of our products.


For more than 100 years, SPANNINGA's history has always been about innovation. From material to technologies, from jewellery to bicycle lights, the foundations and aspirations of our business remained the same as those established by our visionary founders. Over a century later, in a constantly changing world suffering from traffic congestion, parking problems and excessive auto emissions, we continue to establish new standards in providing solutions for micromobility lighting and thus contribute to a safer, smarter and more attractive world day and night.

100 多年来,SPANNINGA 的历史始终围绕着创新。从材料到技术,从珠宝到自行车灯,我们业务的基础和抱负与我们富有远见的创始人建立的基础和抱负相同。一个多世纪过去了,在一个饱受交通拥堵、停车问题和汽车尾气排放困扰的不断变化的世界里,我们不断制定新的标准,为微移动照明提供解决方案,从而为一个更安全、更智能、更有吸引力的世界做出贡献。 

The innovation, trust, integrity and energy of our team all around the world continue to be our inspiration. Our passion and entrepreneurial culture will ensure that we deliver our customers safety, quality and assurance today and in the future.




